Saturday, 3 January 2009

Ist Bird of the year

We had our first patient in today.

A little collared dove called Hope. A lady nearby found her looking distressed and brought her over. She is suffering badly from Trichomaniasis (Canker). Her chances are not very good but we are giving her a go. She is being medicated and crop fed and is snuggled down on a heat pad.

Fingers crossed for her eh?


  1. Happy new Year to you all at Wing & a Prayer.
    How is Andrew?

  2. Happy New Year OM & GB
    Here's hoping Hope is comfortable and warm now. It has been so very cold last couple of days I lost my oldest hen yesterday (she was over 10 yrs old) but very much loved by us, I shall miss her.
    Love to you all
    OldBird xx

  3. Sorry to hear about your hen OB :( we lost a little old owl over Christmas too.

    Andrew is doing well, his tail feathers are now coming through and he will be well ready for release in spring. :)

