Saturday, 31 January 2009

Congrats in order

Egg #1 has hatched and is snuggled down in the brooder. 66 Hours in all.

He seems healthy and well though and soooo adorable. I will take a pic in the morning and put on the blog.

We are calling him Vivian as in the young ones lol.

Egg #2 is ok too but still has a way to go and will probably take most of the night.

Egg #3 is still sleeping after intial pipping.

Another night on the sofa but worth it all !
Made holes in both eggs.

#1 is a lot happier now he has more air. He is trying to get out on his own but not doing very well lol.

#2 is also happier. She has blood inside her egg, must have nicked a vessel when she pipped and I think she may be stuck to the inside of the egg.
I am pretty sure I will have to get her out manually....C section lol.

#3 has now pipped also

I think the main problem is that the eggs are very hard, hardest I have ever come across...high calcium, must be feeding mum too well !!

Now that they have more air, we have to give them time for the blood vessels to dry up inside the membrane so it will be a while yet before they get out.

The followers on Camstreams are amazing, some have been watching right from the start of the hatching and are still waiting !

How stressful is this!!!!!

OK, situation with the scops eggs is this.

Egg #1 is nearly at 60 hours and does not eem to be making any progress.

Egg #2 is at 48 hours and seems to be doing a bit better.

I have spoken to a lady called Jemima Parry-Jones who has hatched more bird of prey eggs than I have had hot dinners. I have done all this with bigger owl eggs but never with any so small so I thought I would ring and see what she would do.

Decision is this, I am going to feed the other birds then I am going to sit calmly and start helping #1 out of his shell. I will give him an air hole to start with in case his intake is restricted. If that doesn't get him going then I will start picking him out completely.

If the air hole goes ok with #1, and nothing else has happened with #2, I will do the same for that one.

Fingers crossed and wish us I now why they said these little guys were hard to rear!

Thursday, 29 January 2009

And they're off !!!!

Two of the baby owls have started hatching !

They started this morning and having never had these before, I am not sure how long it will take. Looking at their progress, I would estimate late tonight or tomorrow.

I will get EB to set up the cam on them again when he comes in. Be patient though, not a lot to see until right at the end.

Please please keep everything crossed that they get out ok.

More good news !

Well we have had a brilliant week for equipment donations.

The brooder arrived Wednesday and is great, all set up ready for babies. Then yesterday, I went to see a company about flooring for the hospital and he has very kindly donated enough non slip flooring for the whole hospital, complete with adhesive.

To top it all, a lovely guy came over today to discuss the cost of doing the roadway that runs through the haven with reject stone which we thought would be the cheapest option and bless his heart, he has said he will do it free of charge.

I am totally overwhelmed with the gifts, they will make such a difference from having to make do and mend.....thank you guys from the bottom of my heart xxx

Hospital is looking good, top coat of paint went on most of it today and it looks sunny and bright. EB is out there banging away making a new door frame as I type. Next thing is floor leveller, then our new flooring when it arrives next week and we can then start putting in the kitchen units.

Oh and a friend has given us a loo and basin ready for that bit and some other friends have given us a couple of almost new freezers!

Andrew and Twinnie pigeon are coming back most evenings and sleeping in the release pen which is really sweet. Everyone else is fine and dandy.

All in all, an uplifting week!

Monday, 26 January 2009

Only Good News Today

I released 3 kids today, weather forecast is good for the week and they were getting a bit restless.

Andrew, the other collared dove that came in just after him and one of the twinnie pigeons (2nd release for this one) Good luck little ones.

I also got an email from Rosemary this morning, she has released Hope, cheered on by all the family so that is four more out there today that wouldn't have been....Yaaaayyyyy, you go kids.

EB has set up a webcam on the bird feeding station so you can watch all last year's little ones having their dinner. We will probably run this one until the fluffy bums hatch towards the end of the week. Link top right of this page.

Other good news....well great news really, a company have agreed to donate a nursery brooder for all of the tinies. If you remember, I was trying to get one last year without success but at last, we will have one. The fluffy bums will be the first occupants, followed by whichever tinies come in.

Thank you very much, thoroughly nice people.

Sunday, 25 January 2009

Good News and Rotten News

We lost Nelson overnight. No idea why, he was fine when he went to bed. There must have been more wrong with him than we could see bless. Really miss him, he was a darling.

Hope's mum came and fetched her today, ready for release tomorrow so that is good.

Friday, 23 January 2009

Good News

A lovely man who has a company in Lincolnshire is donating two single storey ex demo dovecotes !!!!

Only problem is that we have to get them from Market Rasen in Lincs to Norwich but I am sure we will sort something out :~)

Thursday, 22 January 2009

Well that was right nice !

I just sat outside for a bit, I have a helper today cleaning the aviaries and it is a bit warmer today so took half an hour off.

Loads of our kids were out and about, Chips, Pin and loads of the pigeons and doves along with all the normal wildies. The muskateers are always there but I haven't seen d'Artangon the greenfinch for ages....then there they were, all four together....magic!

Juat Had a Thought

I was saying eggs are due to hatch about Monday but thinking about it, the first egg wasn't fertile so more like Wednesday / Thurs next week.....sorry folks :(

Also, having a bit of trouble with camera angle and keeping the stream going, we were hoping to get a new computer over winter but that hasn't happened so we are stuck with what we have.

Bear with us, we will get there...that's why we started streaming early really, give us time to sort out the wrinkles before they hatch.

On a totally different subject, my daughter had a biopsy the other week and she got the news that it was all clear yesterday so we are all breathing big sighs of relief...nothing to do with the birds but I thought I would share the good news anyway :0))

Tuesday, 20 January 2009

Let the show begin !!!!!

Well here we are in a new year...and what happens each year? why we get babies of course!

We are back live on Camstreams and the web cam is showing on the website too.

For your delectation, we have four eggs from White Faced Scops owls.

They are cutsies, for anyone who has been to the haven, they are the tiny grey jobbies.
The base of the incubator moves very slowly and so the eggs will not always be fully visible. However, once the first one starts to hatch, we will stop it turning and the cam will be pointed exclusively at said egg!

Although we aren't planning to rear many of our own baby owls this year, these are kind of special as we have been waiting for them for three years.

They are due to start hatching about the 25th Jan but we have set the cam up early in case of any glitches in the technical dept (EB)

We are going to hand rear them, fingers crossed, the fun is about to start again!

Sunday, 18 January 2009

Rock Doves

We took in what appear to be 12 Rock Doves last night. Lovely little chaps.

The people who owned were moving and didn't want to take them, they destroyed a few that were hanging around and then burnt the Dovecote.

The new people moving in didn't want them either and were going to shoot them so we said they could come here and went to collect them last night.

After a bit of a shuffle round, we sorted an aviary for them. I think we will have to keep them in for a few weeks and then build them a new Dovecote here.

We also got another quail last night, Queenie, who is keeping Primrose company.

Other good news is that we think that we are going to be able to register to get charitable status which means that we will be able to get gift aid etc so that may help us on the financial side this year.

Nelson is doing well and is now spending time outside during the day but he will have to stay on soft food until his beak re-grows.

Percy now has the bandage off his wing and is doing well, another few days and he should be ok in an aviary. Hope is great. I will leave her another day or two to make sure the canker doesn't come back and then she too can go in an aviary ready for release.

Hospital is ready for plastering which EB thinks he can get done after work this week so we are back on track. :)

Thursday, 15 January 2009

Nothing exciting to report, same old same old.

Everyone doing well

Sunday, 11 January 2009

Everyone doing well. Amazingly, Hope's mouth and throat are completely clear now so she should be fine. Percy's wing is healing and Nelson is adorable.

All the others are fed up with the cold I think but otherwise ok....that goes for us too lol.

No crews in since before Christmas so we are getting behind on the hospital conversion......if there is anyone out there with any building skills and time on theirs hands...please come here as Eaglebeard is trying to do it all on his own, doing well at that but he only has weekends.

Wednesday, 7 January 2009

Black Headed Gull

Had one brought in tonight, cute fella called Nelson.

He has no apparent injuries, I think he may have flown into a window and stunned himself or something. We will kepp him for a couple of days, feed him up then see if he can fly. Very friendly little chap :)

Hope is doing brilliantly, early days but it looks as if the gunk in her mouth and throat is clearing up, she is certainly a lot better than she was.

Percy pigeon also doing well, his wing is healing nicely.

Monday, 5 January 2009

Fabulous Exciting News

Stop Press

I would like you all to join with us in congratulating


I am sure that you all know that our Hannah wants to be a vet. Well she applied to various universities and on Saturday, she got an offer from..................

CAMBRIDGE !!!!!!!!

The offer is conditional on her getting A's in her exams but I am sure she will walk it.

Well done love, we are very proud of you



Just seen a Redwing in the garden!

May be common elsewhere but it is the first time I have seen one so I am excited lol!

Hope still with us, no better yet but no worse.

Percy pigeon is doing fine with his wing strapped up. Eating and pooping well!

Everyone else fine and dandy :-)

Sunday, 4 January 2009

And another one

Poorly pigeon broght in today, he has been bitten quite badly on the wing by a cat but I think he will be fine.

Hope is doing well, still hanging in there :)

Saturday, 3 January 2009

Ist Bird of the year

We had our first patient in today.

A little collared dove called Hope. A lady nearby found her looking distressed and brought her over. She is suffering badly from Trichomaniasis (Canker). Her chances are not very good but we are giving her a go. She is being medicated and crop fed and is snuggled down on a heat pad.

Fingers crossed for her eh?

Thursday, 1 January 2009

Happy New Year

Here's Wishing you all
a Happy and Healthy
New Year

All the best for 2009
From Owl Momma, Eaglebeard
and all the critters at the Haven
