Sunday, 29 March 2009

Onion & Donald

The sweetest thing happened yesterday.

Onion the turkey went into the hen house to lay her first egg. Donald, the runner duck (who never leaves her side) was in there with her and just stood beside her until she laid the egg.

As soon as it dropped, he ran out of the house, running round in circles, shouting as if to say, "it's an egg, it's an egg". Then after telling us all, he went back in nuzzled her with his beak them plumped up the hay around the egg. The chickens tried to go have a look at the egg and he shooed them all away and stayed with her, guarding the egg until she came out of the house.

He is such a sweet boy, it is magical to see different species taking care of each other, he really loves her bless him :)

Sage was outside the house while all this was going on, stopping anyone going in. Quite a little delivery suite we had going on, all that was missing was a cigar for Donald!

1 comment:

  1. OMG How wonderful ... what a sight to behold. Don't you just love it when odd things happen...Would have loved to see that.

